Malaysian cuisine is very often flavoured with a tint of the aromatic Pandan (Screw Pine). Lately the Pandan is gaining international attention both as a gastronomic flavour and as a super plant with many health benefits such as:
Lowers High Blood Pressure
Detoxifies Liver And Body
Controls Blood Sugar Levels
Natural Mosquito and Cockroach Repellent
Mild Laxative for Children
Contains Nourishing Essential Oils
Reduce Fevers
Reduce Cramps
Pain relief
Relieves stress, anxiety and insomnia
Relieves gout and arthritis
Anti-carcinogenic properties
Here’s how to make some refreshing healthy Pandan tea.
Step 1: Take six stalks of pandan leaves.
Step 2: Clean the leaves and knot them as otherwise they are too long to fit into a pot.
Step 3: Bring a pot of filtered water to a boil and then drop the knotted leaves in.
Step 4: Reduce the flame to keep the boil slow and steep the tea for about 20-25 minutes.
Step 5: Drink as it is or add lemongrass or add lemon and /or honey to taste.
We invite first-person testimonials as to the efficacy or otherwise of the claimed benefits of Pandan.
Scientific name: Gymnanthemum amygdalinum [Family: Asteraceae] Synonym: Vernonia amygdalina Common name: Bitter Leaf, Vernonia Tree, Pokok South Afrika aka Pokok Bismillah Chinese name: 扁桃斑鸠菊, Lam Fei Yip, Por si Yip
A friend who was concerned about my high blood pressure, introduced me to this plant. He brought a couple of stems for me and surprisingly, they took root quite readily. I took a fistful of the leaves and made a tisane to drink. Unfortunately, it did not work as quickly as I had hoped. I began to research around to see what I may have missed and discovered the following claimed benefits. Disclaimer: I am still in the testing phase and cannot vouch for its efficacy. If anyone has a better experience, please share your personal testimonial here.
It really grows easily and its health benefits are :-
1) reducing cholesterol
2) reducing urea acid
3) reducing wind or flatulence
4) balancing blood pressure
5) countering insomnia as it promotes good sleep at night
I picked 10 leaves from my South African Plant, brought a pot of water (about 1 litre) to a boil, put in the leaves and bring down the flame to a slow boil for 20 minutes.
Day 2: My average BP (from 4 readings) : 134/92
I drank/sipped the tea the whole day yesterday. I measured my BP this morning and was disappointed that there was no improvement (yet?). Boiled another fresh pot of tea today.
Day 3: My average BP (from 4 readings) : 140/92
Another disappointing result. In fact the reading has increased somewhat. Never mind, to continue with another pot of tea.
Day 4: My average BP (from 4 readings): 135/91
This morning, I felt good. The BP has improved a bit and I have boiled another pot. I hope it will be even better tomorrow.
Day 5: My average BP (from 4 readings): 130/89
The BP has started dropping. Today it averaged 130/89, very encouraging indeed!
Day 6: My average BP (from 4 readings): 133/89
No improvement, slightly higher. But the readings seem to have stabilised around 127-133/84-92
Day 7: My average BP (from 4 readings): 142/93
Oh dear, the BP readings have gone up.
Day 8: My average BP (from 3 readings): 144/95
Looks like the South African leaves do not reduce my BP. I will stop the experiment now.
Related plants: Huo Tan Mu (火炭母)(Polygonum chinensis)Black Face General 黑面将军(Hei Mian Jiang Jin, Strobilanthes Crispus)Yu Xun Cao or Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草, 沙巴蛇草(Sabah Snake Plant, Clincanthus Nutans L. )Shang Ye 桑椹叶(Mulberry Leave)
My mum-in-law passed away on May 8, 2010, at 90, because of old age; not because of her kidney. She had a good and healthy life for the 22 years since the doctors gave up on her. We sincerely hope this may help others in the same predicament.
My mother-in-law had chronic renal failure of both kidneys back in 1988. She was 68 then and she’s still alive and perky today at 89 (April 2009).
One kidney was declared completely failed and the other had only 25% functionality left.
She was put on various antibiotics which gave her bad reactions and she also had bed sores due to the prolonged periods she spent in bed.
After a prolonged stay at the hospital, came the ominous pronouncement, “She has only 3-months left; take her home, make her comfortable and give her whatever she wants.” (or words to that effect).
Well, in a no-choice situation, an unexpected “choice” appeared in the form of a Chinese man (Mr Ong of Nibong Tebal; sadhu! sadhu! sadhu!) who heard of my mum-in-law’s plight from my brother-in-law. He introduced us to a wild shrub (Urena Lobata or Congo Jute or Pulut-Pulut) which was used to make a soup/tea for my mum-in-law to drink. That’s the miracle and the reason that she is still alive and well today, we believe.
The recipe calls for the stems of the plant to be cut in lengths of 2-3 inches and air- or sun-dried for storage. Take a small fistful (say 5-10 stalks) and boil in 3 bowls of water until 1 bowl left. A piece of lean meat can be added for taste (or as I believe to “balance” the “coldness” of the plant). Drink once a day for a week and observe for any improvement, before continuing. The frequency can be reduced as the condition improves. My mum-in-law now drinks it once a week or even less frequently.
The shrub grows best wild (too much care and attention tends to stifle it). Just scatter the seeds (like tiny hedgehogs; 3-5mm brown seeds that will cling to clothings, hair, like velcro) in a quiet corner of your garden and leave them to grow “wild”). The plant can grow up to 4-5 feet, but can be harvested as soon as it is about 3-feet tall. Just cut the larger stems and let the plant re-grow the branches. Remember to continually scatter the seeds for a steady supply of the plant. Note: there are two types; white or pink flowers. The recommended type is the one withwhite flowers.
We have introduced this to several other people and to the best of our knowledge, it works for them as well.
Source: Unknown. Received this by email from a friend. If you know the original source, please let me know to give due credit.
Important: Has anyone tried this? Please let us have your first-person experience!
Clean Your Kidneys With Less Than $1.00 Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body.
With time, the salt accumulates
and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments
and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy.
First take a bunch of parsley (Malli Leaves) and wash it clean.
Then cut it in small pieces
and put it in a pot and pour clean water
and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down
and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle
and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt
and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney
by urination also you will be able to notice the difference
which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for
kidneys and it is natural!
Longevitology is yet another alternative natural treatment. It may sound too far-fetched and meta-physical to some (if not most) of you. However, I am publishing it here because of a personal testimony by a friend, who found this treatment in his quest for a natural remedy for cancer for someone close to him. It has been many years since, and not only did the person survived cancer, they are both a picture of radiant health. They swear by this and sincerely would like to share with others. So here it is. What follows is an extract from a hand-out for an event by Longevitology.
Longevitology is a natural healing method that uses the human body to receive energy from the universe. It involves the relaxation of the body and mind in order to acquire the energy in a natural way. This is achieved by sitting quietly without any complicated body positions and quieting the heart (mind). The whole process is done naturally, therefore there are no side effects and can be practiced by anybody regardless of their race, political belief, conviction or religion.
Longevitology believes that good health is the result of chi and blood flowing smoothly and any maladjustment between them will result in illness. Disease or illness is cured when the energy acquired by the above mentioned technique enters our body and then energizes every cell, enabling the body organs to function normally. This will lead to chi and blood flowing actively thus improving circulation and metabolism, raising the levels of antibodies and improving the immune system of the body. As a result of this, the filth of a disease is expelled by the metabolic system of the body itself thus the whole healing process is natural and does not involve any medical equipment, massage, oral medication or drugs. Most importantly, there are no side effects and it is perfectly safe.
Longevitology originated from Taiwan in 1993 and since then, it has grown worldwide and is taught free of charge to its learners. Presently, there are many Longevitology centres with about one million followers in countries like USA, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia and Indonesia.